David Kukułka

Trainee Attorney at Law

english, italian

business law
contract law
international law


Specialist in Legal Services for Entrepreneurs

Graduate of law at the Institute of Law of the Cracow University of Economics. He defended his Master’s thesis on international commercial contracts under the supervision of Professor Bogusława Gnela.

Professionally, he is involved in drafting and providing opinions on civil and commercial contracts, registration of commercial law companies and their ongoing legal services. His scope of competence also includes organisational support for clients in investment processes and ad hoc services for individuals in matters related to legalisation of residence in the country, as well as general legal support for foreigners.

As part of his student activities, among others, he co-authored the Election Ordinance and the Statutes of the Cracow University of Economics in 2019. He participated in the implementation process of the Act on Higher Education and Science as a result of the 2018 higher education reform at the university. In 2019 and 2020, he participated in the assessment of the current amendments to the Law on Higher Education and Science and its regulations prior to their implementation.

He participated in international conferences on human rights, consumer rights and the movement of foreigners in Europe, where he delivered scientific papers in English and Italian. Starting in October 2018 he is an Expert of the Polish Accreditation Commission.