Katarzyna Sikora
new technologies law
intellectual property law,
personal data protection
Specialist in New Technology and Personal Data Law
She is interested in civil law issues, in particular contract law, intellectual property law and commercial law.
A PhD student at the Chair of Civil Law, operating within the Institute of Private Law at the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow Academy. She is preparing her doctoral dissertation entitled Application of biometric technologies in inheritance law de lege lata, de lege ferenda, under the supervision of Professor Mariusz Załucki. The topic of her dissertation is: Application of biometric technologies in inheritance law de lege lata, de lege ferenda.
She is a graduate of Law at the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow Academy. She was also a student of postgraduate studies in Fiscal and Economic Criminal Law, organised by the Chair of Criminal Law at the Jagiellonian University.
She specialises in civil law matters, with a particular focus on new technology law and intellectual property law. She has experience in both day-to-day services for capital companies, including corporate and commercial matters, as well as individual clients, particularly in the field of contract law.
She is the author of numerous scientific publications on intellectual property law, new technology law and inheritance law. As part of her continuous self-development, she actively and passively participates in conferences in the broad field of private law.
She carries out RODO implementations in companies, as well as comprehensive data protection training.